r r[Image:box.png]r• The blue tag above will create a box that looks like the image to therleft: it will pull the newslist from www.palantircomputers.ca, and formatrit into a stand-alone HTML element.rr• To use it to get a similar list from your own website, simply replacert'.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); var length =150;var shortsummary = summary.substring(0,Math.min(length,summary.length)); var ogdes = document.createElement('meta'); ogdes.setAttribute('property', 'og:description'); ogdes.content = (shortsummary); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(ogdes); var nordes = document.createElement('meta'); nordes.setAttribute('property', 'description'); nordes.content = 'Get a powerful online presence with an easy to use website and your own app'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(nordes);
The easy way to distribute content is simply to activate RSS on Tab 4 in FirstMagic Preferences and let people subscribe to it via their own RSS reader. But FirstMagic also has it´s own method - the Syndication Plugin makes it possible to publish your FirstClass content to any webpage, anywhere - even to non-FirstClass servers. |
FirstMagic Syndication Plugin |
The code snippet below can be inserted on any web page, and the site owner can use CSS to fit the output to any design requirements [or simply use a styling parameter and get it pre-formatted from your FirstMagic website].
• The blue tag above will create a box that looks like the image to the left: it will pull the newslist from www.palantircomputers.ca, and format it into a stand-alone HTML element. • To use it to get a similar list from your own website, simply replace the URL part with a link to the container you want to distribute links from. Then add the tag to the web page where you want to output the box. You can also bake it into a widget or an app. Usage: By combining the tags below, you can distribute Documents, Documents & Podcasts, Podcasts, or Images, respectively:
NOTE: neither styled+color tags nor CSS tags is necessary for FirstMagic sites. CSS tags are only useful for non-FirstMagic sites if styled+color tags is not used. |